Place: Largo, FL 69/86
Main activity: Sat - Mom & Dad, around the house
Notes: Up and made coffee and did some things around the house. M&D checked out of hotel just after 930a and headed here. There wasn't much left to do but sit around and they wanted to watch some tv and the weather. They thought the coronation was interesting but we didn't watch much and they kept talking about it where I finally had to say something about how evil that group is. We watched The Weather Channel for awhile too and just mostly talked. As banks are failing and the dollar de-valuing, I finally convinced them to take some cash and gave them 2 rolls of silver in case anything major should shift before they get back home. Earlier than planned but I think we were all ready then when they hit the road around 1230p for Sarasota. Went to move my car back into my spot then and decided to run down to the ATM first to get some cash and deposit check (gift from M&D) - quick trip. The rest of my day felt very off and just out of place - certainly didn't feel like a Sat. I got the bike ready, made my food for the day and watched some stuff, showered around 6p and relaxed until bed. Love these daily sayings and thought this one was very relevant for me. I had more gratitude, acceptance and love and was glad M&D came for the visit - surprised myself!

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