What Goes Down...

..must come up..and it did and so did we! 

We went on our first outing to Najac  -one of The Most Beautiful Villages in France -  which is right down the road from us.  What an impressive place! A medieval village with narrow, winding streets that do indeed go up and down..never flat.. all leading to and from the castle ruin on the top of the hill. 

All that up and down, although a challenge for my aging joints, was well worth it and justified the double boule of ice cream on the return to the parking lot! 

An unexpected highlight of the day was meeting a friendly British couple from Dorset who have been coming to Najac for over 40 years. They have inherited a family home there, right on the street in the main photo, and kindly invited us in to see it. What a treat that was..and they also offered some ideas on interesting little out-of-the way places to go in the area. 

We had to leave Najac a bit early as we had an appointment with Maryse, the "charwoman" of our host who had offered to let us use her wifi. She and her husband Patrick turned out to be yet another charming couple - two in one day - but in this case, neither spoke English.  However...with her husband's few words of anglais, my bit of Duolingo français and Google Translate, we managed to communicate and had a really nice visit..

One bonus of Najac? The tourist information office provides free wifi! We shall return! 

Note to Pedros: as you can see, our social circle has expanded beyond the four cows

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