Salad for lunch

The first of this year's crops picked and eaten: rocket, to eat with the crudités P prepared from the supermarket vegetables. It was good, tasty rocket, and I should sow some more, as it is often quick to run to seed. I was late starting to sow this year, so it will be a while before much else is ready.

It was overcast and drizzly all day, which scuppered our plan to take advantage of a morning when half the population would be watching television to go for a walk while normally busy places were quieter. Consequently, we had a quiet day. I avoided the junketing, both local and televised, though J did want to watch a little bit of the morning's events. I did a few household jobs, helped her with the usual things, was generally rather grumpy and ended the day cross with myself for not making better use of my day. 

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