Bank Holiday

It was Monday but I cancelled BP and we had a few hours in the garden.  The sun was shining and we got a lot done.  We have lost a few of the box plants so had to empty the pots out and also replanted the daffodils which had finished flowering. Each year we enjoy them in pots them plant them up in the grass under the trees.  Hard work but worth it.  I made bacon sandwiches and we ate them in the greenhouse rather than OH taking boots off to go back inside.  He phoned MIL during our break and she was very unhappy that she had not seen anyone over the weekend and was bored and feeling sorry for herself.  We talked about feeling guilty and re-arranged our plans to take her for a trip out the garden centre for a change of scenery.  Difficult to know where to take her that does not necessitate a loo stop (disabled loo), somewhere that is flat that is wheelchair friendly?  

She was pleased to get out and it was the right thing to do.  Home for early dinner (long time since bacon sandwich) and relaxing evening. 

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