Purple Phalaenopsis

They're not as large as in the shot, but they are rather large nonetheless.  I once tried to imagine naming our fictional daughter Petunia Phalaenopsia Primula.  I think she would have disowned me.  :D))

Went to work, worked, kitchen duties, all here at home.  Indeed, a lengthy but fairly manageable pile of chat mail waiting to be tackled, mostly requests for feedback, all of which I responded to in the course of the morning, afternoon, and evening.  I also finished formulating the re-sit exams.  Don't be fooled as a fair amount of gaming was done in between all that, equally spread throughout the day.  I am not a 9-to-5 focused person and need the occasional distraction.  On the other hand, I'm terribly organized, and this is what gives me a bit more leeway to order my day as I see fit.  Anyway, everyone knew I was working because I replied to everything they sent me.  Thankful I got some important stuff done.  This will give me time to check the final submissions for the portfolio before the rounds of re-sits begin.  The deadline for the research paper is this coming Friday, but submissions are pouring in daily, so best to start on them.  No?

Half rainy, half sunny... half cold, half warm... c'est la vie !

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