Pictorial blethers

By blethers

At last!

Sometimes good things are most delightful when they're completely unexpected ... We weren't early this morning (what's that figure of speech when you say the opposite ...?) which had the effect of rendering us both slightly grumpy; I suspect that was partly because we'd had such a lovely time at the weekend and now it's over. At least I made a loaf which turned out beautifully and stewed the rhubarb which I'd forgotten about before we left - it was fine - before we had elevenses, after which I set out in the grey dampness to walk to the Co-op to post a letter and look for the odd forgotten thing from last week's shop. I managed also to pick up my prescription in town, just in time to prevent me having to scrounge a statin or two.

By the time I was in the weather was brightening slightly, so I spent some time chopping dead branches off the elderly weigela that was here when we bought the house 48 years ago. And then I realised that it was sunny, and it was quite warm, and I wanted to stay outside only I had to make dinner or we'd end up eating too late to be able to sing at choir practice... So I talked Himself into washing  the garden table and getting  the garden chairs out from under their covering and we had lunch/dinner (linner? Dunch?) in warm sunshine. 

After that I had a short snooze before choir, and now we're home and it's not dark yet and am I right in thinking that Trump's been found guilty? Must go watch the Ten O'clock news and find out ...

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