Wide Wednesday

I like this garden shot for Wide Wednesday because I have to put my cell phone on wide to get it. If you look closely you can see two toes. 

We love this so much. We are so grateful to Kate, without whom I would not have this garden. We think appreciative thoughts to Kate every single day. 

We love the red. I read that red Japanese Maples are the most popular. I love this tree. It is so much more beautiful than the tree I went to the nursery looking for. I’m so glad I got one large enough to enjoy it now. Karen is so grateful that Kate convinced me to have someone else deliver and plant it. 

We love the purple heucheras. The ferns are reaching up as high as they possibly can. The new honeysuckle is so much more robust than the first ones I bought. 

One of the green heucheras is flinging its tiny flowers just as high as it can reach.

There are still a few bleeding hearts hanging around.

The buds on the blue hydrangea are promising future color.

I did a better job with the Irish Moss this year, most of the little plots had teeny white flowers. They all look healthy. I planted each with a big pile of compost. 

The birds are so happy running around under the hostas looking for insects to eat, resting on the wall or the trees or inside the hydrangeas, getting some water from the bird bath. I saw both of the cardinal couple in it today. 

This morning, for one second, I saw the sun. It was enormous and orangish red and very dramatic. Then it was covered by clouds. There is a lot of solar activity so the aurora borealis will be visible a lot more places this week.

I haven’t given a presentation in a while and for no good reason I’m nervous. I just ran quickly through the slides with one of the fabulous people working on the course. Her main concern, of course, is that I be awake on time. Really, that is key. She said that every other class has been so serious that my levity will be exactly the thing. 

I read an article on the supposed drone assassination attempt. It points out that 
1) in the video of the drone, the drone was flying at a conveniently photogenic angle. 
2) everyone knows Putin doesn’t stay overnight in the Kremlin.
3) a drone this size can’t carry much and can’t fly far.
4) an attack on Victory Day, when Putin was actually going to be there, would have made much more sense.
5) it makes a beautiful story of how the amazing military was able to shoot down drones in the same way Ukraine has been doing for a year now.
6) it makes a convenient story for why the parades were so sad, a better story than “we have no more tanks because they are all toast”

Alas, I still find no stories indicating anyone won the contest to land their drone on Red Square yesterday. It does seem that the idea scared Moscow and St. Petersburg though. 

Britain’s Defense Ministry issued a procurement notice for long range missiles, missiles the US has not provided. It is not a commitment, but it is a step. 

I woke up in time!! I was even showered and dressed. Hooray for me!

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