Tale of Two Trees

We still have tree on the bicycle path blocking our way to the park but, today, we also have a brand new tree in the backyard. I had dug the hole, because I wanted them to be able to avoid the new internet cable. I think it entertained them and it definitely made the job faster. They barely had to dig at all. The tree fits perfectly. There is no room for another! 

In a few days you'll probably see even more pictures. The tree has green leaves because it has been in shade and in a few days yellow should come out. 

The guys were sooooo careful of my existing vegetation. Also, the entire thing cost nothing. Seriously, the price to deliver and plant was crazy low. Now, they didn't water it, they didn't mulch it, but still, I'm overjoyed. 

Now I have to figure out how to work when I have so much beauty outside my window. 

It won't be easy. Tomorrow I have to give a presentation and there is so much assumption of negativity that I .... well my approach was to fill my presentation with excessive sunshine and positivity and the approach of someone else was to fill my presentation with grenades. We'll see what happens. 

The EU is figuring out how to help fund Ukrainian reconstruction. Not only are people beginning to assume that Ukraine will win, not only are people beginning to think about how to repair Ukraine, they are figuring out how to fund it. It includes a solidarity trust fund with the EU paying the bulk of the costs of reconstruction. 

Despite Italy's reliance on Russian energy, Italian prime minister Draghi backs sanctions. He backs sending heavy weapons to Ukraine. His mind was changed by the increasing brutality. He has sent officials out to Angola, Congo, Algeria, and Egypt to get new fuel deals. 

Do you remember Pussy Riot? It is a Russian feminist punk band. Maria Alyokhina escaped Russia. Russia has sent her to prison repeatedly for her political activism. Most of the group have also escaped. She's going to perform in Iceland. Because all the cool people go to Iceland. 

There was a wonderful article in the Washington Post about Ukrainians putting their country back together. In Kharkiv people are volunteering to clear debris so specialized crews can focus on demolishing or rebuilding. Volunteers get bussed to different parts of the city. They clean an area, the Russians hit it, they clean it again. They've planted tulips and pansies and cut grass. In Irpin, municipal workers are working on half-pay to fix water and sewage pumps. A bank reopened along with multiple kindergartens. The mayor, Oleksandr Markushin, put out a call for volunteer architects, designers, and engineers. They hoped to get a dozen responses. 121 specialists came. 

“Stefania,” performed by Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra, is the favorite to win Eurovision 2022.

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