Elise's Lambs

The mist clearing looked promising, mostly a clear morning, even reports of sunshine.  It was long before the mist rolled in, and covered the land.  

Up early, a morning around the house, garden and greenhouse.  I popped along mam's on my way to work.  A 1pm start to late finish in the airport.  More chaos caused by the mist, more cancelled flights.  Things have really started to snowball, and what was a quiet week, now every flight is full.  Hope this pesky mist passes soon, and we get folk moving again.  Finished at 10pm.  Feet up now. 

Elise is having a busy time with exams and lambing, luckily just the two sheep pregnant.  Two days ago the second sheep gave birth to a healthy set of twins, which Elise has named Anne Boleyn and Millicent Fawcett.  The lasses are also a cross of Shetland sheep and Valais blacknose, and much more regular size lambs.  Sumo with Laura on the other hand is enormous, he's only a week old!  Laura, Elise and mam with the lambs, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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