Digby with ball

Had a busy day! Was invited by Jenny, a friend of Bob and Fran, for coffee this morning then I had a friend coming for lunch. I had bought a chicken carcass so made chicken stock and Fran had left a punnet of mushrooms so I made cream of mushroom soup which actually was very good, much to my amazement! Patricia arrived and we ate then walked around the village which I am still discovering. We stopped at the post office and bought a raspberry sorbet and sat in their self service cafe to eat it! Digby was lying on the floor by my feet when he suddenly began to bark at a customer, something he never normally does! I took him over to say hello to her but he still barked and I apologised and she said not to worry she liked dogs barking! She had been staring at him and I don’t think dogs like being stared at!

We got back and had a cup of tea then she left and I cleared up and took out the washing from the machine and went to home group in the next village leaving Digby! I let him know that I would be back and the welcome back was over the top! Had to take him for a walk to calm down! Just watched the end of race around the world and very happy for the winners!

Todays picture was Digby after his walk!

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