A time for everything

By turnx3

Back to the bike trail

I spent much of the morning going through some of my photographs of England to pick some out for a display for an International Day we are having at church on Saturday. However, it was another pleasant warm day, so after lunch we headed back to the Little Miami trail, starting from Morgan’s Canoe rental parking. We crossed over the outlet creek from Caesar Creek Reservoir, top left, which today was calm and remarkably clear. The previous time we crossed it a few weeks ago, it was after we’d had quite a bit of rain, and they must have been discharging water from the lake , so the creek was high, fast flowing and a muddy colour. We passed under the Jeremiah Morrow bridge which carries the I-71 interstate 239 feet above the Little Miami valley. The featured wild flowers today are the Dwarf larkspur, left, and Wild geranium, right.
In the evening we again didn’t have hand bell practice, but we did have choir as usual, starting at 7pm.
I’m starting to catch up on my backlog of blips, and have posted four days this evening, if you care to scroll back!

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