John Lydon

As I mentioned in yesterday's blip, this is my favourite portrait so far. What a face! So full of character, so much larger than life. I'm not a fan of Lydon's music, I'm not enamoured of his swearing, but boy this bloke is spot on in so many ways. In an age when celebrities carefully groom their public statements to appeal to the widest demographic, Lydon simply lets fly with reckless abandon the truth as he sees it. Often hilarious, and only truly offensive if you are too thin-skinned to countenance an alternative opinion, I find myself laughing and nodding with agreement to pretty much everything he says. The Gospel According To John Lydon. Whether you agree, disagree or are infuriated by these quotes, I think there is one thing you can surely say - we need people like him who will tell it like it is and clobber the pretentious.

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