Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Keel Billed Toucan

This image won't appeal to everyone but I like the uniqueness of it.  Most toucan shots show the side view of this iconic bird, but looked at face-first it's really interesting.  For you traditionalists, a side view can be seen in Extra.

We left San Jose a little after 8 this morning and made our leisurely way to the Caribbean coast to Laguna Lagarto Lodge.  It's a very rustic place which seems absolutely perfect for a sojourn into the rain forest.  We spent the afternoon photographing toucans, parrots, macaws, and a host of small song birds.  A great group of people and a great time.

Tomorrow will start at sunup at 5:30 and who knows what wonderful adventures will await us!  

Thanks for stopping by.  And be sure to check out Osuzanna and Hillyblips' blips.  We are coordinating with each other so we don't blip the same things - you're welcome!


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