
By Beewriter


I went for lunch with Catherine and Vickie today in Monton. I picked up Vickie from Eccles tram station and we went to Catherine's so that she could see Hannah, she's nearly two now and Vickie hasn't had a chance to meet her until now. It was a quick hello and then we walked into Monton to Fellicini's. The food wasn't as good as yesterday but we had a good catch up and a moan about work...which is always cathartic.

There was a T20 at Roe Green today, after the glorious sunshine of the last two days it was such a shame it started raining this afternoon. They carried on playing through the wet but I don't think they will play the final. I took a few pics and managed to capture this Prestwich player getting caught out by a Moorside wicket keeper.

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