Branching out.

I was in the gym early this morning, although Ann & Vic were already there.  Vic  was telling me that he hadn't had a good start to the day. He was sitting on he toilet, like you do, when he suddenly sneezed and his bottom plate fell out of his mouth,, landed on the floor and broke into two  pieces. He repaired it  with Gorilla glue, and said, I hope I don't get food poisoning .  After that incident, he went into the bedroom, pulled up the blind and the cord broke, so now the blind is wonky. He said, there is bound to a be a third incident today. I hope not, as he is travelling to Cheltenham later, to visit his cousin. I didn't leave until much later, as all the gang were there. I didn't take a coat, very daring, for me, but when I came out, it was much colder than I had anticipated. Mind you, I soon warmed up. J had gone out on his motorbike and I wasn't   expecting back until later, but he arrived home not long after I did. A quiet afternoon ahead, I hope.

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