Rising above the mist

Up at 5.30am in fog and after breakfast went with Mr Rat to the start of his race to see them off. Then back to the tent to leave jackets and off myself up into the fog.
It was a steep, but fairly steady, climb and I managed to run most of it although I had several pauses to take pics. I soon got about the fog and had great views of it remaining in the valley and clearing from above and leaving wonderful clear views. 300+m up to the col and then about 500m down to Kirkmichael, passing the vole in extras en route.
At the bottom a short pause then turn around and back the way I'd come with the weather getting steadily warmer and warmer. At about 11miles, with 7 to go, my legs didn't want to go any further but shortly after I got to the main part of the hill and they started co-operating again - just as well as it was the only way back!
The other 2 extras are the route up to the col (on the right) and the same tree on my way back down.
Shower, tea, food, packing up camp, cheering in runners and then Mr Rat who, despite thinking he'd have to walk most of the last 15 miles, came in 16 minutes faster than last year and got the over 60's prize.
A satisfying, if tough, day out.

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