New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Strathy Rowers

Headed to my second Parkrun ever this morning as I wanted to try out the new trainers for actual running and also wanted to get out of the house to leave P to his assignment.  Turned out to be to right decision as the weather was beautiful with a 300+ turnout for the parkrun.  I'm still not the best runner in the world, but I made it round without stopping andwas pretty consistent with my previous time.  New trainers no the best with some blisters on my arches but hopefully they'll wear in. 

Strathy was busy this morning with lots of rowers out on the loch, saw lots of things that I thought were chairs and were actually boat-holders. Love the guys in the wee boats going up and down shouting at everyone through a  megaphone.  Also cool to see more women and men out there today.  After run was finished and blip was got, I picked up a few bits in Hamilton then have spent the rest of the day in the garden.  Put suncream on but even got a little burnt!

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