Herb Robert

My day not going well today.

Had to pick up my prescription from the chemist.

Not here, they said when I got to front of queue.

Yes it is, I said, My Health Online (the site where I have to put my repeat prescription order in) tells me it was approved on the 4th May, and sent to you (the chemist's) on Tuesday 9 th May, and that I had to wait 5 days before I can collect it. So, that is why I came on Monday 15th May, this morning.

It is still not here, they said, it is not on our computers. You will have to go over to the Health Centre. I toddle over to the Heath Centre. It is far too much walking for me, but I have no option. The receptionist says she cannot do anything about it. So I sit down on the seat of my walker, and tell her I am not moving.

The receptionist looks at me, prints some stuff off and disappears.

Half hour later she returns. I've done this for you she says, and hands me a duplicate prescription, signed by a doctor she found on the premises...I thought doctors were rarer than hen's teeth. I say thank you very much.

I toddle back to the chemist, and the queue is now queuing to outside the chemist.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, I say, and go past everyone in the queue to the counter. I hand the prescription over and tell the counter assistant that the online records at the health centre say that this chemist did receive my prescription on the 9 May. It is still not on our records, the assistant insisted. We'll deal with this now she says.

Dealing with it now, still took them 1 hour and 15 minutes. I was sitting on my wheelie, half dozing (because I am tired by now) half catching snippets of conversations at the counter mostly by lip reading.

And the customer was asking for their meds. Counter assistant says, no record of their prescription on our computers, you'll have to go back to wherever you order the prescription from. There were a few discussions/not quite arguments, and each time the customer leaves very disgruntled and with no meds. I stopped counting how many people this happened to when I ran out of fingers to count. And shut my eyes and went into a doze.

Something was badly wrong there with all these prescriptions the chemist's counter assistant said they did not receive. And from what I could gather, the prescriptions all originated from My Health Online.

Finally my prescription was ready, but I was so stiff, and my bottom so sore, I could barely lift myself off my walker. And I still have to go back later in the week for meds they owe me...

I had intended fresh food shopping after picking up my prescription (my fridge is bare, but only because I have defrosted it), but I was far too tired and mentally exhausted after all that waiting, that I just went to the Polish shop round the corner. My luck was in. Not one but two massive Polish wagons! All the eggs I can possibly need....

The moment I got in, the fresh stuff is in the fridge, and I am in my bed...zonked out, and my bum is still sore. I woke up at 2 pm, and I am still tired...

Wildlife Nighttime Cameras

Cat, Midnight, warns the badger a few times and smacks him on the nose several times..


Creative is Herb Robert (yes it does have 5 petals, but this one only had 4 because one was shrivelled up). I started it in iPastel, and then finished it in Procreate to get the effect of the petals.

Now I am going back to sleep again...

So, I have 'lost' another day.

Tomorrow I have no intention of going out. I need to play catch up...

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