Bearded Iris V7

We had a glorious spring day. My son and DIL gave us a landscaping gift certificate for Christmas. We had the shrubs in the formal garden trimmed yesterday. I went out to see how it looks and found this vibrant Iris. It must have been one I bought last fall. Had forgotten all about it. I decided to tackle a flower garden whose weeds are hard to reach. Not sure how but it took me all day. There was too much liriope growing amongst the azalea bush and removing it took hours. Hubby mulched it and then we put up fencing to keep the sprawling shrubs off the lawn. I pruned/thinned them significantly. It looks great. My sister is still in the hospital. Our mother is uncomfortable going to see her since she has a cough herself and is worried about picking up germs. Hopefully, B will get home soon. Kristen has to send Diesel (the black Dane) over the rainbow bridge very shortly. My heart aches for their family. Diesel has been the sweetest, most loving dog for over 10 years (which is an amazing long life) and it will be hard to let him go. But the vet found a tumor in his shoulder today when he was unable to use that leg. My sister and BIL safely arrived back at the farm. We are still in a holding pattern on when/if we get to join them. The funeral date should be established tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe. “In a field of daisies, be an iris that stands out with its unique beauty.” - successful

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