By lizzie_birkett

A Soggy Awakening!

We saw this lovely, colourful boat down towards Skipton. 
Last night I was reading in bed on the boat and first one big spider at the foot end bungeed down and I thought I’d just leave him to it but then another came down halfway along the bed, that was a bit much so I had to get up and catch them and put them out on the tow path.
Bella woke me up really early again so I just got up and made a coffee and sat out in the bright morning sun, it was cold but lovely.
We came back to the house today as I had to collect the picture frames I’d ordered from the man on Settle market. I’m really pleased with them - now I need to paint some pictures!
After lunch Frank had a nap on one couch and I sat reading and drinking my coffee. I fell asleep and next thing I woke up with a start as my mug had tipped up! Coffee everywhere - on the blanket, my clothes and all over the couch. 
We watched a wonderful but very sad film tonight - Shadowlands about 
CS Lewis. Anthony Hopkins was wonderful in it. It really brought tears to my eyes.

Book and bedtime now.
Goodnight :-) X

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