
I love getting little surprises in the mail so was delighted when this postcard from Blipper 59 arrived in the mail recently. I am fascinated by rock art in general, and this aboriginal art going back 20,000 years at Nourlangie Rock in Kakadu National Park has definitely aroused the anthropologist in me and has me delving deeper into into the history and meaning of these wonderfully detailed figures.

59 and her husband had an epic trip across Australia last summer which I followed with interest. We exchanged comments about my fascination with the Outback, my only knowledge of it coming from two novels: Nevil Shute's book, A Town Like Alice, and Picnic at Hanging Rock  by Joan Lindsay (not to mention the excellent Peter Weir film). 59's pictures were the first 'real' ones I had seen and I shared my fascination with her. They are now off on another epic journey which I will be following with interest....

Especially of late, I have worked hard not to let conversations devolve into endless discussions of the woes of aging and complaints about the medical industry in this country. But obviously not hard enough. I'm not sure what happened yesterday to cause me to break my own rule and inflict my aches and pains on the kind and patient Blipfoto community. I apologise and thank everybody who sympathised and shared their own stories and advice. You are lovely people .

We had a fridge full of cheese after Peter's suggestion that we just hang out together on Sunday. (When I thanked him for getting us organized, he admitted that it was a desperate attempt to avoid going to Cottage Garden Nursery!) He threw himself into making the charcuterie board. With all that leftover cheese I decided to make a quiche, something I haven't done in years. I am useless at making pie crust, but I found a frozen one in the bottom of the freezer. Despite it being well past its sell by date and heavily cracked, I patched it up and had forgotten how easy the rest was. The patch job wasn't perfect and some of the filling leaked out, but despite that, the result was very delicious. We're going to have the other half tonight...after our glass of wine, of course.

Then we're going to watch another episode of Case Histories, based on the Kate Atkinson novels. The characters are wonderfully quirky, the setting is the city of Edinburgh and there are some wonderful Scots accents. I recommend it.

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