The second half of life..

By twigs

Bene & the Vets.........

To mis-quote a famous Elton John classic.....

Poor ol' Bene seemed to be limping more than usual so last night I tried to give his leg a 'test' to see where the pain might have been coming from.

I found a lump which seemed very tender. Each time I touched it he cowered more. Not a good sign.

I decided I'd get him to the vets after I came home from work today - Bene wasn't happy.

And neither was I when, after a good 10 minutes of poking and prodding, sliding and squeezing the vet couldn't find anything! The mystery lump seemed to have disappeared altogether. Poof! Gone!

That'll be $45 thankyou!

Hmm - and then Bene limped even more after I got him home :( Arthritis is beginning to sound like the more probable cause of his limping though I have absolutely no idea what the mystery lump was.

Ah well - I'll keep an eye on how he's going and if anything else appears we'll have to go back to the vets.


Poor Bene.

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