Cerddwch ymlaen (gyda gobaith yn eich calon)

Cerddwch ymlaen (gyda gobaith yn eich calon) ~ Walk on (with hope in your heart)

“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston

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Tra aeth Nor'dzin i'r grŵp llyfrau Sefydliad y Merched yn La Cucina da Mara, es i i siopa, ac yna ymunais â Nor'dzin ar ddiwedd ei chyfarfod am baned a chacen. Roedden ni wedi cael sgwrs neis gydag un arall o'r menywod yn y grŵp llyfrau. Mae hi'n byw mewn cartref gerllaw ac mae hi'n hapus ei bod hi'n dal yn gallu cerdded i'r grŵp. Mae hi'n cerdded gyda pholion cerdded ac mae hi'n mae hi'n benderfynol i barhau cyhyd ag y bo modd. Fel rydyn ni'n dechrau 'teimlo ein hoed' roedd yn ysbrydoledig i siarad â rhywun sy'n ychydig ymhellach ar hyd y llwybr.

Mae ffotograff heddiw yn amlygiad dwbl o fy hof hen eglwys ac, ar draws y stryd, y caffi. Mae'n dangos, ychydig, sut mae ffyrdd ar gyfer ceir yn creu rhwystrau i bobl sy angen gerdded (yn enwedig pan ddydy’r car ddim yn stopio tu ôl i'w linell).

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While Nor'dzin went to the Women's Institute book group at La Cucina da Mara, I went shopping, and then joined Nor'dzin at the end of her meeting for a cup of tea and cake. We had a nice chat with another of the women in the book group. She lives in a home nearby and is happy that she can still walk to the group. She walks with walking poles and she is determined to continue as long as possible. As we start to 'feel our age' it was inspiring to talk to someone who is a little further along the path.

Today's photograph is a double exposure of my favourite old church and, across the street, the cafe. It shows, a little, how roads for cars create obstacles for people who need to walk (especially when the car doesn't stop behind its line).

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Amlygiad dwbl, eglwys, car a chaffi
Description (English): Double exposure, church, car and cafe.

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