The second half of life..

By twigs

Aha! moments

Yet more rain!  Forced indoors and, just because I could, I lit the fire.  Days like this do provide time and space for considering a few things and I was able to come up with a few ideas for a camera club activity on Monday.  Time well spent :)

This pic does look a bit like frogspawn but it's most definitely not.  Virtual chocolate fish for guessing what it is..... 

We had a Camera Club Fungi Foray planned for tomorrow but it's been abandoned due to the forecast still being wet and yukky.  I noticed the paper advertising a few rugby matches scheduled around the region tomorrow.  Pretty sure they won't be cancelled so might go and find the muddiest paddock and see what mud-gems are thrown up there instead.

PS - the answer is polystyrene balls.......hundred and hundreds of them!  I processed the image by inverting it with the tone curve tool in LR so it appears as a negative.  See original in extras.

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