Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Forget- Me -Nots

Mental Health Awareness Week Day 5.

My definition of a brilliant Friday night to mark the end of the working week and the start of the weekend is a freedom stroll, a relaxing brew and a spot of TV watching at 9pm. It's an evening without a set of books to mark and therefore a little extra time for me.

This definition is personal to me and it acts to remind me that our individual definitions of a good life, or a good times does not have to look like the way other people may think it should. We each have our own little quirks and ways to recharge, reboot and recuperate.

I spotted these beautiful forget-me-not flowers sat on a wall as I strolled. Wherever you are, at any moment, try and find something beautiful. A flower, the clouds out of a window, grass blowing in the breeze, the sea waves...I reckon that's pretty good for the soul too!

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