Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In all their glory

I may have mentioned previously that we were not keen on the little group of rhododendrons in the front border when we arrived here. I had a couple removed but the others have survived. They are grafted onto a different root, so they show no signs of spreading and being a nuisance.

The pink one has burst forth, like a flouncy dress or a confection!

Today was a day of waiting with not much happening.

The district nurses were coming to change Mum's dressings. They phoned late in the morning to say they are coming tomorrow. That slightly throws our plans, but it is how it is.

We were then waiting for  a different nursing team to come to give Mum her Covid jab. By 3.30pm I assumed they would not be coming. I phoned the surgery to ask for a contact number - they have none and have no contact at all with the service. Talk about joined up services!!

A very cheerful nurse and a secretary arrived soon afterwards.

I had phoned the surgery yesterday to speak to someone because the cellulitis on Mum's left leg had nor improved on antibiotics. The promised return call never came. Today I tried again. Would I submit another photograph? No, because I could easily discuss it with the GP. Another photo was requested and I sent it.

Eventually I spoke to a GP and she agreed to continue antibiotics over the weekend. That is the correct decision IMHO. The snag was that there was none at the dispensary when I went down after 5. Thankfully a receptionist from Wark brought the bottle on her way home after 6.

I felt as though the day had disappeared with nothing to show for it.

Tonight I was at the Hexham Photo Group for a fascinating talk by Marjolein Riley. She had such a lot of interesting things to say that I had to get up before the end and excuse myself. I was only about 4 minutes late back at home for Joan to go home. 

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