Living my dream

By Mima

The inner eyelid

Bean studied the inside of her inner eyelids for hours on yet another damp day. It was so absorbing that the end of her tongue popped out for a while. I couldn’t resist the photo opportunity.

What you can’t see is the dream-twitching which lasted about 10 minutes. An epic. She woke with a start, rearranged her tongue and looked surprised to be here. 

We’ve all had dreams like that…

I have no idea how the day became so busy for the human in this partnership. I baked bread and then I got stuck into making a Wensleydale. 

Having started to eat a Wensleydale this week I realised that I had only one more of its ilk maturing in the cheese cave. It’s one of my favourite home made cheeses thus far, so I decided to begin a new one.

Then of course I found I was low on milk, and we nipped up to the cowshed to fill the churn. Rosie the dairy manager was there, clearing up after the day’s milking. She was astonished to learn that I make cheese, and she now understands why I collect heaps of milk each week. She doesn’t like cheese. Or milk.

Once the milk was pasteurised, the eggs collected, the brassicas in the tunnel watered, the dogs over the road walked and fed, Bean and Mima walked….the day was all but done. And dark.

Time for a bowl of soup and a good book to draw a close on a happy busy day.

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