
By Charlie17


Many, many thanks for all your congrats, comments yesterday and help me make the spotlight. Quite exciting really.
I chose cowries as I mentioned them in my very first blip. Anyway, I collected all the shells, dusted them down and put them in their jars with the lids on so that they can't escape!
The title! I'm not colour blind, just silly.
I took this shot at 6.30 a.m. this morning in the early morning sunlight. Usually they have little black insects on them.
This is probably not a buttercup, but when we were young, we used to shine a buttercup under someone's chin and if it reflected yellow, it meant they liked butter! I guess everyone liked butter.
Perhaps the most pointless thing I remember doing was collecting car numbers. I was brought up in a quiet little village and every now and again, my pals and I would get a notebook and take a note of the car numbers that passed at different vantage points.
After a couple of hours or so, we would meet and compare notes to see who had the most numbers.
I know I didn't make up numbers, but not so sure about the others now!!!

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