Horrendous day

Packing my bag to go away for weekend when care home phoned at 9.30am to say Dad had had a bad fall and ambulance was on his way. Carer found him unconscious on floor with horrible head wound. Still drifting in and out of consciousness when I arrived, incoherent speech, in a lot of pain. Ambulance No1 came. Suspected mini stroke caused fall, bang head and bruise ribs. To the shock of the carers, and myself, paramedics said no need to go into hospital, told me no need for me to stay, I should still go away, and they left. Thank goodness I didn’t listen to them.

An hour later he collapsed unconscious, drifted in and out of consciousness, incoherent speech, ambulance arrived quickly just as he stopped breathing. Blood pressure rock bottom so couldn’t move him for fear of cardiac arrest. Once stable, blue lights and off to RUH. Scans and X-rays. Three broken ribs, severe contusions and bleeding under the skin. Fall and subsequent head wound and broken ribs caused by mini stroke, second collapse caused by untreated head trauma. A&E doctor said dad should have been brought in immediately after first fall at 9.30am. I got home 9.30pm, totally drained. Dad on ward, still waiting to see surgical doctor. Being kept in to monitor pain and oxygen levels for few days. What happens after that I have no idea...

I now need to eat, drink, watch rubbish tele and try and switch off.

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