Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

On My Doorstep.

Mental Health Awareness Week Day 7.

I have to start by saying a huge thank you to everybody who took the time to comment (or star or heart) on my 12th blip day entry yesterday. You're a wonderful bunch.

I'm so lucky to live where I live with such wide open spaces and long reaching views literally as soon as I step out of my door. This is where I took my blip today on a glorious morning.

To me, these views are my playground. A playground where I can lose myself and find myself all at the same time. I'm not sure I'd know what to do without the ability to go to my playground each and every day, be it by bike or foot.

As Mental Health Awareness Week draws to a close, I want to acknowledge that down days are allowed and it is ok to say, you know what I'm not ok. Together we can weather any storm. We must keep the conversation going.

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