The Lark in the Morning

Up with the larks this morning and off to do a bit of bird counting on my patch near Skibbereen. Ginny came too and we rendezvoused outside my house at 6am. This is the view at approximately 6.45am as we wend our way down the small roads at Knocknataggart. Ginny came prepared with the Merlin app - what a wondrous thing, you point it in the direction of twitterings in the hedges and it tells you what you're hearing - invaluable when it comes to SBJs (Small beige jobs). We encountered an impressive 33 species including a  whitethroat  which was intrigued with us almost as much as were were with him, and he accompanied us through two quadrants. Other excitements included reed warblers and sedge warblers and the unexpected chirrupings of a linnet. We were delighted with the sheer number of swallows and martens but no cuckoo was in evidence, though one was going strong when I got home. And there was a lark!

We revived ourselves with croissants and coffee in Skib and drove home admiring the hawthorns, billowing everywhere. 

Gentle pottering at home and there's a new blog . Quite enough for one day.

Lark in the morning

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