
Yes, I know - but this really is the last rose of summer.  Shades of Kenneth McKellar - now you can't stop hearing it in your head can you!!  You need to be English/Scots and old enough to understand this reference.

What's more to the point of this blip is that it's taken with the Google Pixel 6 Pro phone at 20 x digital zoom.  I know !!  Blows your mind doesn't it.

The Rower and I took our "big" cameras with us on our recent jaunt to Europe and you know what - we didn't even unpack them.  All that extra  weight, and unnecessary as it happened.

Now, if we were going to Costa Rica (like some lucky blippers who shall remain nameless) and taking extraordinary wildlife shots, of course we'd use "proper" cameras.  But for your general architectural work, and even the odd close-up, the phone is perfectly fine.

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