
The journey home went smoothly, apart from Henry falling off a swing and bumping his head 15 min before we left the island, and a 30 min hyper phase in Abu Dhabi airport where he decided that licking the floor was fun - I don't even want to think about the germs!

Henry fell asleep in the car on the way back from Heathrow and I managed to get him inside and in bed still asleep for long enough to unpack the car, start a load of washing, have a shower and sort out the post before crawling into bed next to him for an hours kip myself.

Today's blip is Henry being cheeky while I unpacked the food shopping. We've had lots of new words in the last few days: eeeees (please), da-doo (thank you), duddle (cuddle) and uv-oo (love you) are my favourites!

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