MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

Walking Honey

Since Saturday, mom and I have taken to walking our elderly neighbours' daschund around the block and on the beach. Honey is only 2 years old and has never been on the beach, spending her time in the house or garden. The vet had advised that she needs to get some weight off so our neighbour is very pleased that we've offered to walk her.

She became so bouncy and excited the first time her paws touched sand, it was quite heart warming to see, and her seeing the sea so close (the tide was well in) was very amusing to behold! We had all on keeping her out as I paddled!

My cat Willow has kept trying to follow us on these walks and has been getting further and further each day. We must look an amusing sight, mom with Honey on the lead with me behind and Willow following closely. Today she made it as far as the bus stop and was to be found patiently waiting for us when we got back to it and then followed us home. One day I'm sure that she'll follow us on to the beach! That'd be a good blip!

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