Sorting slides

It has been a rather cool day today although in the afternoon it did get sunnier and a bit warmer.  We had a quiet day and no visitors for the first time in a while.  

I spent some time watching the bird box as the great tits appear to be feeding the young now, and going back and forth very regularly.  I tried several times to catch a photo but they are so fast I didn't manage anything worth while.

Had to go to the shops as I needed some washing powder, but when I was there I bumped into an old work colleague.  Haven't seen her for a long time and so we stood for a while and had a catch up.  And when I shopped I totally forget the washing powder.  Ach well, there is always tomorrow!

Bob didn't spend much time out of doors today as he felt it was cold, and he started his photographic project.  He is digitilising (is that a word?) his old slides, and it is a rather finicky job and requires time.  At least he has made a start.  I only took a couple of photos of the tray of slides, so that is my blip

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