It’s thirsty work...

...running back and forth on a warm sunny day!

Phone calls started at 8.30am today, including to Dad’s optician, in an attempt to replace/mend his glasses, broken in Saturday’s fall. Thankfully my friend J was able to help out and drove me to the opticians on the high street. As instructed, we then headed down to the Chocolate Quarter to collect Dad’s glasses, then back to the opticians where very luckily they were able to mend the frames there and then. No wonder dad hadn’t been able to see, when the hospital had taped them back together they’d put the lens in upside down! Glasses mended, it was then back down to the CQ to return them to Dad.

After all that running around we were feeling thirsty, so to the pub for lunch by the river, before J dropped me at the CQ for the third time today, where I spent the afternoon with Dad. He’s still got a long recovery ahead of him but has agreed to stay for an extra week’s respite care which is in both his best interests, and mine. Got home early evening after trudging my way home through the park, then popped next door for a quick drink with K.

Thank you for all your recent kind comments, stars and hearts. Tomorrow should hopefully be a quieter day so hope to be able to catch up with comments.

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