
Massage first thing and then I had neck ache from it.the met Alan at Lidl for the shopping.
The dr eventually phoned last night and we reached a compromise over the statin which I must take as I have a stent.
Within an hour I had my stomach ache back and then had trouble getting off to sleep. Will see how it goes.
Went to the recycling centre and then the garden centre and as I was in the kennel shop I got a text from the friend we were taking to hospital. Oops we forgot. We got to the house in time and Alan wisked R off to Windsor and I sat on the lock seats with M and had a really lovely afternoon of chat. M was getting worried as it was 5:15 before they returned. Home and dinner then a walk up the high street for milk.
Home and getting ready to watch Chelsea
Bought deer antlers for the dogs and they sr3 loving them. Ted keeps sneaking over and taking jaspers and he lets him.

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