Life Lessons re-affirmed by swimming…

… in cool/cold water:

Just dive in. It’s never quite as bad as you think and it’s best to just start the darn thing.

It can be good to have a helpful presence bear witness - certainly for me I hesitate less and just try to get on with it.

Celebrate all the small successes along the way. I’m always grateful to have made it through the first three lengths. After that it’s just more of the same. 

Pace yourself - it’s a kilometre of swimming, not 50 m.


I always feel better for having done the thing rather than talking myself into why I needn’t/shouldn’t do it. 

Completing is a great feeling that lasts for at least a day. 

In other news, the cool Italian cat from Monday turned up again. We heard a very loud purr and I went to investigate. It was sat, as content as could be, on the door mat inside. Literally, a threshold had been crossed… I gave it a bowl of milk and a bowl of water and it headed off (see extra). Clearly, the service around here isn’t up to scratch. 

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