La nostra ultima notte

A truly memorable last full day. We went to Locorotondo for the last market day. Please see the first extra for a playful shot of my favourite passageway. 

In the afternoon I swam a mile and then we packed up. In the evening we went into Ceglie for our last Asperol Spritz. 

On the way from the bar to the pizzeria the fellow in the second extra stopped Tim to ask about his hat. They got to talking and it turns out the fellow came from London to Milan in 1968 and has been in various parts of Italy ever since. I got to talking with his friend who was also fascinating - born in a refugee camp, lived in Israel for a number of years, became an art historian specialising in Cornish women painters, and had been in Ceglie for about five years. We all got on like a house on fire and I hope we run into them next year. 

We finished off at our favourite pizzeria with two wonderfully friendly guys - main blip. We’ve been coming to this pizzeria weekly since we arrived and we thought we had to spend our last evening with them. If you’re ever in Ceglie Messapica, be sure to go to La Capricciosa. 

* Maurice Kavanagh and Nadira

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