Windmill 'De Veer', Haarlem

'Veer' sounds like 'veyr' and certainly not 'vier'.
Two meanings -- 'the feather' or 'the ferry'.
Another relatively young windmill constructed in 2001.
Its predecessor used to drain the 'Veerpolder', so some people think this mill should have been named 'De Veerpoldermolen'.  Honestly, why quibble about that?  Luckily, it's not a life-or-death issue, and, really, it doesn't matter.

You can't see it through the sea of spring flowers in full bloom, but there's a canal winding right next to it, which would be logical as this is yet another polder area, ex-wetlands but still with some watery patches.  Fortunately, there's a narrow path wanderers can walk on, which, of course, I just had to use.  The mill was facing away from the sun but I think the flowers make a pretty alternative.  Always the risk with hunting as one never knows beforehand which direction the mill is oriented, just as one doesn't always know where the wind will be coming from.

Very fair weather, no?  All the way to the evening.  I'd gone hunting in the morning, after supermarket errands.  When I got back, finally took AW's shears and cut the rainforest-thick weeds in the front garden patch, because it is nothing but a patch where our weigelia bush is thriving, but also did about two square meters of the path beside the house leading to the backyard.  The overgrown space next to this path is actually the responsibility of the municipality (AW offered to purchase it but they refused) but I trimmed the wild hop growing on it and cleared away some of the weeds as well, and I was busy for a little more than an hour before foot cramp struck and forced me to stop.  To be continued.

Have put the Viking's statements of account to bed and will deal with them another time.  I think I'll review it in stages, one statement per day.  I'm not really worried, but I do want to know for sure that all of it is correct.  I've tallied it all before but I am not satisfied.

Thankful for the sun's heat even though it made me drowsy in the afternoon.  Or am I just end-of-the-schoolyear tired?  Better not succumb to that feeling yet, as I'll need all my energy for the second job, if I get it.

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