Views of my world

By rosamund


I like planning, I think it's cos I quite like to be organised.

Thanks to planning, my presentation was well received at the SECC. The whole day was very well planned and I'm looking forward to tomorrow especially as I won't be anxious about presenting.

The whole Early Years Collaborative is about improvement planning, ensuring that Scotland is #bestplacetogrowup. The energy of the learning sessions has been really high and is always translated into action after the event. The time spent with the 'away' team from our own authority strengthens relationships and meeting with others from around the country is great for sharing ideas.

I went to knitting tonight and planned a new project, there's a new pattern a few if us might try with some colour work and steeking, this is my choice of yarn, the lime green on the right is my main colour with the rest providing the pattern. I look forward to casting it on soon.

No news from Noah today but Freya was at Flenders Fields museum and can't wait to tell Carlos all about it. Only two more sleeps til Noah comes home, I'm sure he's having a great time.

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