Tiny Flyer

A bit warmer, for the wind have turned blowing now from southeast, but still strongly. Temperature +16, sunny and cloudy.

In the evening to the allotment. There was very good weather, not cold, not hot, sunny. Until later the sun went overcast and rain was forecast. A few drops fell. We left for home, but only a little earlier than usual. Trimming and weeding was done again, and making a new place to old Dahlia ready to plant the flower.

When I was weeding a very small butterfly flew near (picture). I think I have seen it in previous years, but at least last days, but couldn't see it clearly, because it's flying almost all the time. Now it stopped, at last :)

It's the small copper (Lycaena phlaeas). Its wingspan is only about 22-34 mm. The small copper is one of the most northerly of the world's butterflies, and it can be seen even in Greenland. It's quite common in Finland, except the Central Lapland perhaps related to the length of the summer.

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