
We are on a quick visit to the capital again. And we chose to spend the afternoon in the UNESCO heritage Forest Cemetery (Skogskyrkogården). We have been here before, but the cemetery is large and it takes several hours, and tired feet, if you want to experience the whole thing. We still have parts of the cemetery to visit. It is so beautiful with the pines forming natural pillars.
 Extras: More pillars at the Resurrection chapel (Uppståndelskapellet). And even more at Woodland Chapel (Skogskapellet). And with some imagination, I can say that the the cuckoo flower/ lady's smock/ mayflower (Cardamine pratensis) hovered on each pillar. Such a wonderfully lovely sight.

You all know how it is with wifi in the hotels so I am happy if I manage to publish the post. The rest may have to wait until I get home.

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