River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: In the Garden

Weather repeat of last few days.
MrD took his motorbike to have new tyres fitted by his friend with the garage on the mainland. He then went for a ride around the mountains and lakes.
I’d seen the embryo Bramley apples when I was putting the washing on the line, they weren’t easy to see this morning with bright sunlight on them.
Started cutting  back the jungle of passion flower in the greenhouse - it’s been growing everywhere during the last few months.
Ate lunch in the garden and was aware of a group of blackbirds, adult male and about 4 youngsters, who were busy scratching around in the soil I’d cleared on Sunday. I moved some of my pots around to give them fresh areas to scratch in. Then cleared down the narrow part under the maple - the blackbirds were scratching and chirping :-))
When MrD arrived home I asked him to move the heavy pots which have some interesting plants in them! Then I started clearing the patch between the maple and the James Grieve apple tree - this was a thick patch of yellow dead nettle which I try to clear every year after the pollinators have enjoyed the flowers.
All the blackbirds had gone away but there was a similar sized bird which was much paler - then an adult thrush came to scratch around in the garden and the pale bird must have been its chick, very poor photo :-(
Whilst I was eating my tea noticed the first flower on one of the yellow roses, complete with greenfly which I hope will be food for one of the little birds.
Quick chat with our daughter this morning as she walked into work and I phoned our T this afternoon to check up on him … The Sailor is on my list too! Lots of love to all our family XXXX XXX XX
ADDED LATER: both of the hedgehogs turned up tonight, the little one ate cat biscuits and the big one went along the whole of our garden, down where I’d been clearing earlier and through the “tunnel” under the fence into our neighbour’s garden :-))
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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