Swannay House

After yesterday’s spotlight Bibs has spent most of the time today on her mobile to her Agent / People.
We went along to visit my Mum in the Dounby Care Home.  She was a bit raffled up today.  She said they had had two lassies playing guitars for them; true this was part of the Orkney Folk Festival.  She said she hadn’t enjoyed it and that the one had a false leg.  She then spoke about the dog outside her window with a yellow mouth.  And, to cap it all, she indicated the police had visited two days ago and she watched them carry  half of a policeman into the reception. 
We then set  out today on a expedition to School Ha’ Nursery around in Evie.  Just when we thought it couldn’t be any darker than the Parish – it was   The Nurseryman’s first words were ‘Bloody Terrible’.  Last year his wife died (she ran the nursery and had all the knowledge).  She is a big miss but he selt us some good quality plants.
Featured is Swannay House, never previously Blipped.
The Met Office indicates that Orkney will receive a ray of sunshine on Saturday at 13.00hrs.

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