
By KCNQ2Haiku

Alderley Edge

Sun at Alderley,
a magical quality.
Wizard must be near!

We had a very whingey morning, there's some uncertainty about some plans this weekend, which we are trying to iron out but Ben hates uncertainty, so his anxiety has been sky high.  At the beginning of the week, he had asked to have a walk at Alderley Edge which I was nervous about, as he's been so unpredictable but it was the only thing he'd asked to do all half term, so I wanted to make it happen.  In the end it worked out OK. His bloods had been high all morning and the walk started to bring them down.  I was worried he was going to get tired so we stopped under this tree for an early picnic. The light was so pretty and it felt really peaceful.  Although to be fair it was busier than we have ever seen it on the footpaths and through the fields.  We usually try to stay off the beaten track but our quiet route had clearly been discovered by Other People today!  
In other Walk News.. Ben picked up a bit of concrete and said, "look at my rock!"  I made appropriate parental "mmm' (but non committal) noises.  He said he was gong to take it home and keep it in his bedroom, he asked me what type of rock I thought it was. I said concrete.  He (triumphantly) said, "Yes!" He was starting to draw me in to the enthusiasm (against my will).  So I (naively) asked if his rock had a name. "Connie the concrete" apparently.  So Connie joined us on a portion of the walk until she was deemed too heavy and was abandoned, heartlessly.  
We also popped to the butchers and I made some salad.  Ben's bloods went really high again and we had a bit of drama as he was really upset that it meant he couldn't eat his snacks.  They came down with a lot of insulin and some trampoline bouncing. So we're back on track.
Finally, Happy Big Birthday to those having a Big Birthday!

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