High jinks

Had a good sleep and breakfast with T&Kt before heading down to see P. The last month or so since I was here has seen so much growth in hedgerows and fields that at one point on the road I thought I’d taken a wrong turning as I didn’t recognise it!
P was on quite good form…fairly upbeat and not in any pain. He was telling me how he wants to be getting out and about again and is determined to live to be 100!
I did his shopping and unpacked it all, then did the cleaning and sorted his paperwork before taking the invoice for his hearing aid replacement to the hospital, so I’m hoping that gets sorted soon as he needs the money back. Nipped to see K, just back from Thailand this morning, and heard about her trip. T popped round after he finished work and we did some acrobatics together for her amusement!
We went to get some bedding plants for T’s hanging baskets, then home and he made a lovely massaman curry for supper. I made the raita but made the mistake of picking chocolate mint instead of regular mint and it made it taste very odd!
Watched a programme about the murder of Olaf Palme. Fascinating…

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