Wallington and Stanton Hall Gardens

Tim wanted to see the NT property at Wallington as it is a bit like the one he manages in that there’s not only a house and garden but also it has farms. They were very impressed with how knowledgeable the staff were and how well it was looked after. We saw the house first - ages since I was last there so I enjoyed it again.

Tim bought us a coffee and we ate our sandwiches before we walked to the walled garden via the pond. I’d seen the garden in the spring when the crocus lawn was blooming but today it was at its best - so many beautiful plants and Bev and Tim are very knowledgeable so it was really good.

Then we went to Stanton as it’s a garden with a good selection of healthy plants for sale. I wanted to go some weeks ago for plants for my pots but we had no time. They were mostly sold out but Tim found some he thought would work. I’m hoping he’ll have time to help pot them!

I was tired when we got back around 5 but after a cup of tea in the sun I made a melon, chilli, coriander, spring onion, sunflower seeds and almonds starter which was much appreciated. The aubergine and chickpea curry I took from the freezer but it didn’t seem enough so I did a cauliflower and potato one as well. I had done a pineapple, lime and basil sorbet as Bev doesn’t have dairy. We all enjoyed it and the conversation.

Tomorrow is family day - I hope I’m not too cream-crackered. I offered the Scottish tapestry in Gala for Monday or a walk near Amble. They don’t fancy the tapestry which is fine as Amble is en route to the airport.

The blip is Bev and Tim wandering in Stanton.

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