
By KateH

Hitching a ride

Picked up some snapdragons in the village shop which I thought I’d plant out in a few places and found a bumble bee had hitched a ride.  As I walked back I was worried he’d jump off in the middle of this newly ploughed field but he, or she stayed until I got to the garden.  Coupled with finding a bumble bee nest? Hideout?  In badger or rabbit dug hole in a flower bed it’s a good day for bees in our garden.  I read it up and they do that! 

V hit by terrible hayfever all night so was pretty exhausted.  The pollen is so high at the moment but I imagine No Mo May - or currently - no mow till mid June is taking its toll.

Domestic day - went off to garden centres. Tried to work out why my roses are doing so badly and decided they are too dry.  The more established ones are flowering well but the ones I’ve put in aren’t doing so great. 

D&N came to dinner, V largely cooked but I made a bitter chocolate flourless cake from Diana Henry which was excellent.  Served it with strawberries which was delicious.  

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