
By KCNQ2Haiku

Hazy Sun

So lucky, so much Sun!
Leaping dogs in the the long grass..
most fun sight ever :-D

A bit of a mixed day, we all slept pretty well and I actually didn't get up until nearly 7 :-)  Pretty much unheard of!  Leo was very ready to go for a wee when I got up!  Mr KCNQ2Haiku went for a run and I took Leo and Ben for a walk around the fields.  Leo was great fun with bounding in and out of the long grass, I wish I could upload video, he's so funny.  But then he ran up the river bank and was playing with a dog whilst he became (apparently) entirely deaf to any recall.. Hmm.  The dog was happy enough and the owner seemed fine but it is frustrating that he will only come back when it's what he wanted to do anyway :-/ Anyway, Ben was tricky, he was whingey and also quite aggressive with Leo but he's so hard to talk to about it as he doesn't seem to recognise or understand his behaviour.  It just makes me feel I can't take the two of them out together which seems crazy.  I don't know.  Ben's back at school on Tuesday, so I'll regroup.  
We had a nice lunch and then I had a bit of a rest whilst Mr KCNQ2Haiku was in charge, afterwards we went to the woods and it was so lovely, very pretty light, I need to get back to taking my big camera with me, I haven't been carrying it since we had Leo, as I feel I need my hands free but it would be manageable now I think.  It's crazy how good the iPhone cameras are though, amazing what you can just keep in your pocket! 
Hayfever was definitely at play toady though.. So Much Pollen!  Aaa..tishooo :-(
But I made a batch of schwarma seasoning for some chicken, some sweet potato fries and some berry compote and now I'm ready to sneeze my way through the evening sun :-)
Mr KCNQ2Haiku is off tomorrow so it feels like a bank holiday! Ben has an inset day, so we're going to drive up towards the lakes and the eden valley for a trip out in the sunshine again.  Should be a good day.  

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